We know great apps can come from anywhere. While we always seek quality content for the Store, our technical and quality bars historically had left some apps behind. Therefore, a little over a year ago, we introduced the Gallery section to our Store where our usual approaches to comfort, value, and polish were a bit more relaxed, and more applications could find a path to distribution.
We are pleased that so many applications have launched since Gallery was introduced. But, as always, we're learning. As the industry has matured and people have experienced more types of VR content, they've become better equipped to judge which types of content work for them. We've seen the value of the “Gallery” designation decrease and believe the platform has evolved to a point where it is no longer necessary.
So, starting today all apps previously designated as Gallery will simply appear under their respective Store categories (Games, Apps, Entertainment, or Early Access). We believe this update will benefit all developers. By grouping all apps by genre and category, people can easily get a complete picture of all available applications.
This update is automatic across the Oculus platform -- developers do not need to take any actions with their published apps. Applications that previously appeared in the Gallery will be pushed to the correct category in the Oculus Store assigned during the initial submission process, and status for current Store applications will not change. These apps can also now take advantage of all the Oculus Store has to offer, like sales and promotions.
We're always working on improving the Store, finding new ways to help devs get discovered, and connect people with VR experiences they'll love. We still strive to maintain the same baseline level of app quality for all Oculus Gear VR and Rift owners. Oculus is known for having great content, and we're not lowering our bar for quality. Apps will still need to pass our tech and content review process against our existing criteria.
For additional reading, we also recommend you check out our updated guides covering every step of bringing your app to market through the Oculus Store:
- The Oculus Team