From the first article in this series:
How to Optimize your Oculus Quest App w/ RenderDoc: Getting Started + Frame Capture, we’ve covered how tile-based rendering, fixed foveated rendering, programmable CPU / GPU frequencies and MSAA work on the Oculus Quest. We also know the implications of using hardware with tile-based rendering vs immediate-mode rendering. How can we use RenderDoc to ensure that we are rendering in the most performance effective way? This article will take you through some key usage scenarios to verify that your CPU and GPU rendering methods are done as efficiently as possible.
Verifying multi-pass vs. instanced stereo rendering
Making sure that your draw calls are set up optimally for VR is super important because of the nature of VR rendering. Behind the scenes, the engine is rendering both eyes separately. Each eye has their own model-view-projection matrices defined by the IAD (interaxial distance) defined by the lens settings. Many people are aware of the IPD (interpupillary distance) setting which is what informs the interaxial distance. This is usually handled for you in commercial engines, but you need to make sure you have the correct settings. Here is an overview of each:
Single passFor each mesh in the base pass
Draw Left Eye (1 draw call)
Draw Right Eye (1 draw call)
Multi passFor each mesh in the base pass
Draw Left Eye (1 draw call)
For each mesh in the base pass (again)
Draw Right Eye (1 draw call)
Instanced stereo rendering / multi-view For each mesh in the base pass
Draw both eyes (1 draw call)
As you can see, instanced stereo rendering / multi-view is the best option as it will halve the number of total draw calls in your base pass.
Here are a few relevant resources if you want to learn more about multi-view:
Verify no temporary buffers are used
Check your output / render textures to make sure that the resource name is labeled as RTTextureArray rather than TempBuffer, ColorBuffer or something else. You must write directly to the swap chain texture to apply MSAA and/or receive fixed foveated rendering savings. This will also guarantee you aren’t accidentally resolving an intermediate render target / temporary buffer to save yourself that fixed 1-1.5 ms resolve cost on the GPU.
The correct name of the swapchain texture is highlighted below:
This is what you will see as your output texture name when you are writing to the correct swap chain texture. In this example you will see the selected draw call is under an annotation called “Final Blit Pass”. This means that you are taking a previously generated render target and using it as a temporary buffer, then copying it to the swapchain texture. You are paying the expensive resolve cost on the GPU and then paying a per-pixel cost to only map it to the swap chain texture.

From the same frame capture shown previously, I’ve highlighted a base pass draw call. The corresponding output render target shows that the label for this is “_CameraColorTexture”. This means that the engine generated an intermediate render texture to be used as an input resource for the blit/copy later, implying the resolve cost, not receiving fixed foveated rendering pixel shader savings and missing out on MSAA quality enhancements. The moral of this story is to always be aware of your render targets to make sure you are only rendering in a single pass directly to your swapchain texture.
In the above screenshot you can see that the debug markers in Unity explicitly annotate the process of resolving the shadow map via the Resolve Shadows marker. You can also see the Final Blit Pass annotation to see the copying of the temporary color buffer to the swapchain texture.
Verify shadow casters / receivers / cascade levels and shadow map resolution (if used)
All meshes that cast and/or receive shadows will require an additional draw call which write to the depth buffer from the light source’s orientation. Although there is no fragment shader running for these draws (meaning they are much cheaper on the GPU than a typical shaded draw) there is still overhead on both the CPU (draw call count increase) and GPU (vertex shaders projecting all mesh geometry + depth shadow map resolve).

The above screenshot shows how a shadow map looks in RenderDoc. You will notice that in your shadow pass there will be a temporary depth buffer that you will later sample for your scene’s shadows. It’s important to verify your total shadow map resolution and the number of draw calls associated with each cascade. Closer cascades will have fewer draw calls associated with them in nearly all cases as the camera distance increases with each additional cascade. Also notice the resolve shadows section in orange. This is the fixed cost taken when you store the temporary buffer in external memory. If you must use shadows, be sure to keep resolution and additional draw calls also low as possible.
Verify GPU instancing of shared meshes
GPU instancing is a graphics API / driver level feature that allows you to dispatch a single draw call to render multiple meshes. There are a few rules to abide by including sharing the exact same pipeline state and mesh input. If you have a mesh that is used multiple times per-frame (bullets, decor, particles, foliage, etc.) you can substantially cut your draw calls by making sure that you use instancing for your meshes. Note, that this does not decrease the cost on the GPU as you are still having to project each mesh.
Every time you dispatch an instanced draw, each mesh receives its own instance ID that can be used in your shaders. This allows you to associate each mesh instance’s instance ID with property information like texture indices, colors or… really anything you want. A typical example I always like to give is rendering large crowds in a racing game. You can use instancing to draw each person in the audience with a different color shirt to make sure that you really get the feeling of a huge varied audience without the CPU overhead of having to dispatch a separate draw call for each mesh separately. In this basic example, you wouldn’t be using skinned meshes… BUT you can instance skinned meshes by doing skinning / animation operations on the GPU. This is a more advanced technique that also has its pros and cons. The idea here is that you would instance draw shared T-posed meshes then use the instance ID to look up and calculate timestamps and pose info. This completes the blend shape lookups and does the skinning in the vertex shader. Alternatively, you could batch process all blend shape and skinning operations in a compute shader ahead of time, then use the instance ID to look up the locations of the relevant data for the current mesh being drawn.
Side note: GPU instancing is how instanced stereoscopic / multi-view rendering works. Each draw call using this method dispatches two instances per-mesh. The instance ID of each of the two meshes maps to draw to the relevant eye buffer, which the vertex shaders uses to index into an array[2] of the model view projection matrices to properly project the meshes to the relevant eye location.
In the above screenshot, you can see that instead of twelve individual glDrawElements(36) calls, you see 4x glDrawInstanced. The reason why glDrawElementsInstanced(36, 5) didn’t draw all of the cubes in one fell swoop is because some cubes broke batching rules in Unity. You can find out the reason why they weren’t batched by using the Frame Debugger tool in Unity to make sure glDrawElementsInstanced(36, 12) is called, further collapsing the total draw count for the cubes to one single draw call.

In the Frame Debugger view above, I selected the second instanced draw call, and Unity tells me that the cubes are affected by different reflection probes within the Why this draw call can’t be batched with the previous one section. If I wanted to make sure they all completed in one draw call, I would use a single reflection probe for all of those cubes. The frame debugger takes the guesswork out of the equation but you could also arrive at this conclusion with some old fashioned detective work within the Pipeline State tab in RenderDoc. Simply inspect and compare the input resources between both instanced draw calls.
Shared Mesh References
Renderqueue and z-sorting verification
With most GPUs, there is an optimization method that the hardware can utilize for rejecting occluded opaque pixels if they are drawn from front to back. For instance in VR, you know that in a majority of scenarios, hands should be rendered first if they are opaque. If you write to the depth buffer as you draw the hand (presumably one of the closest objects to your camera) and assign your z-test to reject pixels behind it, the hardware is smart enough to opt out of executing the pixel shader for the projected geometry pixels that land behind the hand. Pixel shaders are typically the heaviest part of the rendering pipeline if you’re using sensible geometry counts and not doing anything fancy in your vertex shader.
An important thing to note here is that since the Rift S and Quest panels are high resolution and you must draw to both eyes, savings here will double in value. In certain situations it might be worth having a depth prepass for foliage with expensive pixel shaders where you set the depth buffer for alpha != 0 pixels, then follow that up with a color pass, setting depth test to equal. Experimenting with both methods will arrive you at the right conclusion!
Here’s an example in photos:
The above screenshot shows the final render target in a problematic scene. Everything looks fine, right? Well perhaps there are objects rendering inside the building that are not only using unnecessary draw calls and thrashing around the pipeline state on the CPU side, but also taking up GPU resources by projecting all the internal objects geometry while shading everything that was unnecessarily projected. Check out the screengrab below for a detailed look at what is taking place in this inefficient scenario.
The annotated draws are a small subsection of all the unnecessary draw calls that were dispatched to the GPU. They’ve had all of that geometry processed and shaded for no reason. If the CPU had taken some preventative steps to make sure they were occlusion culled the GPU would not have to worry about them whatsoever. Read more about occlusion culling later.
An analogy I would make in this case is if you were hiring a painter to paint your house at an hourly rate. If they decided to paint all of the trim brown first and then went on to paint over the entire house a single solid color, you’d be confused and upset if you had to pay them for the time they spent painting the trim red despite you instructing them to paint the house a single color. That costs money! In the games and graphics world, GPU processing is processing money that you could spend elsewhere, like using more detailed shaders/materials. For comparison, the next image shows the same frame but with a selected draw call that’s further along in the dispatch order.

As I mentioned before, when you select draw calls in the API log within RenderDoc, the frame builds up in front of your eyes chronologically. When I select this draw call just a handful of calls after the draw in the previously shown screenshot, you can see a bunch of wall models occluding everything that was previously drawn. This means that all of those draw calls you previously dispatched executed their pixel shaders and were overdrawn (like the red trim on the house). If you had drawn environment walls & ceilings before those objects inside, you would have set your depth buffer to the depth of the wall meshes and saved the cost of each pixel’s fragment shader that was overdrawn, because the hardware could tell that a closer pixel was occluding it. If your game can’t afford occlusion culling, you can still save time on the GPU by having a more optimal sorting algorithm tailored specifically to your game. Both Unity and Unreal allow the capability to override specific draws and materials place in the renderqueue.
Texture format and resolution verification
With RenderDoc you can verify that your input and output texture resolution isn’t too high, mipmaps are being supplied, the compression format is what you expect, the number of textures sampled per-draw and more! It can be hard to track texture info for all textures in the engine editor so this is a good sanity check to save memory and maintain efficiency.
Let’s look at an input texture to see the difference:
For example, when I select this Ogre draw call, then the albedo input texture on the Input tab, I can see the resolution, the compression format and the amount of mip levels for each input texture. I can see that the ASTC texture compression format is being used for my input textures, which is the recommended format for optimal quality and size.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) texture formats are a no-no on Oculus Quest for the most part. HDR requires a temporary buffer with a different format than the swapchain texture, typically with a format of R11G11B10_FLOAT rather than the normal R8G8B8A8_SRGB. The issue here isn’t with bits per-pixel as they are both 32-bit, but rather the blit cost of copying and converting the temporary buffer from HDR to standard format when the frame is ready. HDR effects and calculations are also typically much more expensive due to the higher floating point precision required. Again, any time you use a temporary buffer you will not get the benefits of Fixed Foveated Rendering or MSAA, so you may suffer additional performance and/or quality loss. You can confirm whether your render target is built to HDR spec by making sure that you are writing to the swap chain texture named RTDeviceEyeTextureArray with R8G8B8A8_SRGB format as shown in the comparison screenshots below.
We’ve covered some of the most important cases to optimize and avoid on Oculus Quest to squeeze the most performance from your Oculus Quest. Keep an eye out for my next RenderDoc article which will cover even more usage scenarios and tips for leveraging this powerful tool!
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the other articles in this series on RenderDoc:
- Cristiano Ferreira