Meta Quest Developer Hub (MQDH) helps you improve your development iteration time, measure app performance, and stay informed on the latest developer news. This update includes a new
VRC flag for FPS refresh rate added to the Performance Analyzer page, as well as various updated compatibility improvements and bug fixes with the latest Meta Quest OS versions. Here are the highlights:
VRC Flag for FPS Refresh Rate
App Lab and Meta Quest Store apps must meet or exceed
Virtual Reality Check (VRC) guidelines and requirements to be considered for distribution. VRCs are provided to help you build high-quality apps for Meta Quest.
With MQDH v3.3, we’ve added a new VRC section in the Performance Analyzer tool to help you track FPS refresh rate and ensure your app is meeting the
minimum requirements for Meta Quest apps.
Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Addresses various compatibility issues with latest Meta Quest OS versions:
- Fixed Screenshot and Single-Eye Video Recording device actions
- Fixed issues with installing OVR Metrics under Device Actions and uninstalling it from the Downloads page
- Fixed inability for File Manager to view files on Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest Pro devices
- Fixed inability to refresh current user status and add new accounts to Meta Quest devices
- Fixed reading current HMD and Controller battery levels
- UI bug fixes for various Metrics HUD Settings issues—modal now properly updates selected options, closes, and scrolls
- Fixed an issue where GPU metrics were sometimes not displayed in the Performance Analyzer
- Increased the default buffer size for Perfetto traces
We hope you enjoy MQDH v3.3, and we look forward to your feedback! If you haven’t already downloaded MQDH, you can do so from its
new page on our Developer Center. Learn more in our
MQDH Documentation.