While testing new features or fixing bugs in multiplayer experiences, it’s vital to have a process for pushing changes to multiple devices. This Quick Start Guide shows you how to set up the accounts and tools needed to quickly and easily launch builds on multiple headsets. We’ll cover steps to launch several devices in Unity and Unreal, as well as how to use test accounts over Link.
Hardware NeededQuest Multiplayer
Link Multiplayer
2 or more Quest or Rift headsets (Can be a mix of the two)
A PC for each headset with the Oculus app installed
Creating Test User AccountsTest users allow Oculus development without a personal Facebook account. For multiplayer, you must have multiple accounts as each headset must log in as a distinct user. Since Oculus accounts are linked to your personal Facebook account, it’s not possible for a single developer to create multiple personal accounts. This is where test users come in!
More info about test users can be found
Follow these steps to create one or more test user accounts:
Under “Org Manager”, \select the developer org you want to use from the dropdown
Click “Test Users” in the side navigation, then “Add Test User” at the top of the page

You can create up to five test user accounts at once. They will all use the same password. If you are using more than two headsets, create enough accounts for each of them minus your main developer account.
It’s helpful to friend these accounts to each other at creation using the checkbox, but you can also
do this later.
Make sure to save the password somewhere safe. You cannot reset the password! If you forget the password, you must delete the test account and create a new one.
Next, add the test users to your org. Some APIs will fail without this.
Click “Members” in the side navigation, then “Add Member” at the top of the page
Set Role to Developer and Username to the Alias listed under Test Users.
Assign Accounts to HeadsetsQuest / Quest 2
If you were logged in to the headset with a personal account, then factory reset your headset following the
Oculus Support instructions.
Log out of the Oculus app on your mobile device.
Login to Oculus app with the test user account.
Enter the 5 digit code displayed in the headset to connect the headset with the Oculus mobile app.
Send a friend request from each test account to your main account. This will allow you to send invites for testing Social APIs.
Note: We recommend keeping a single account dedicated to each device and not using the
multiple accounts feature. Multiple accounts slows down your workflow by requiring you to confirm the account each time you pick up the headset. Having a separate account per device avoids this prompt and ensures you’re using different accounts.
Rift / Link Multiple Headsets
You can also use test accounts for Rift / Link development. You’ll need a PC for each headset.
Go to Settings > Account and select Log Out
Open your web browser and log out of your personal facebook account
Login to Facebook using the test user email and password
Return to the Oculus app and login to the test user account via facebook
Build & Run on Multiple Quest HeadsetsFor Quest devices, you can launch your app to multiple headsets simultaneously in Unity or Unreal.
To run on multiple devices:
Connect all headsets to the same PC via USB
File > Build Settings
Set Run Device to “All compatible devices”
Click “Build And Run”

To run on multiple devices:
Connect all headsets to the same PC via USB
Launch > Project Launcher
Set All_Android_On…
Set Variant to “Android_ASTC”
Set Config to “Development”
Set Data Build to “By the book”
Click Launch to the right of All_Android_On…

You can also try Launch > All_Android… from the toolbar. This does an incremental build which we’ve found doesn’t work for some projects.
Testing Over LinkWhen using Link, you need to launch each device manually from the connected PC. Since it will use the account logged into the Oculus app on that PC, you’ll need a different PC for each device to test multiplayer.
Note: Some Oculus APIs may not be fully featured on Link. For example, Invite Panel and Roster Panels are not visible.
Note: Unity utilizes temp folders under the project directory when running in editor. Sharing the project to multiple PCs over LAN will not work for this reason. Always use a separate copy of the project for each device.
Open the Oculus app on your PC and check that it is logged into the desired account.
On headset enable Link from the settings menu.
Open Unity (This must happen after the Link connection is established or it will not launch to your headset.)
Make sure Oculus XR Plug-in is enabled for PC and Android and “Initialize XR on Startup” is checked.

Check Application ID for Rift is set under Oculus > Platform > Edit Settings. You must create a Rift app in your developer.oculus.com org and copy the AppID from the API section to use Link.

Hit Play in the editor to see your app on headset.
Open the Oculus app on your PC and check that it’s logged into the desired account.
On headset enable Link from the settings menu
Open UE4 (This must happen after the Link connection is established or VR Preview will not be available.)
Make sure “Start in VR” is enabled under Project Settings > Project > Description > Settings
Click the dropdown next to Play and choose VR Preview
ADBYou may notice when multiple Android devices are connected, ADB will ask which device to target. This means running “adb devices” and copying the serial number to pass with “adb -s”. This is especially a problem if you use the batch files generated by UE4 to install builds. To get ADB behaving as it does with a single device, you can either unplug all but one device, or set an environment variable for ANDROID_SERIAL to the serial number of your primary device. I prefer the latter so I don’t end up with dead batteries from forgetting to plug my devices back in.
Try it outTo start testing and iterating on a Quest multiplayer experience, download the Shared Spaces showcase (
UE4 /
Unity). Watch
this video to get a quick overview of the showcase and the capabilities you may want to test.