OpenXR Scene API Reference
If you are new to OpenXR, you may want to read through the
OpenXR API Reference by the Khronos Group before continuing with this documentation.
A Scene Model is composed of anchors. Each anchor represents a unique identifier for an entity, and all data exchange happens with an anchor.
We use OpenXR
XrSpace handles to expose access to anchors from within applications. In other words, any operation which involves anchors uses XrSpace handles to identify the affected anchors.
We drew inspiration from the
Entity-Component-System pattern commonly used within game engines to enable generic anchors to represent various data types. The core idea behind this architecture is to provide specialization via composition instead of inheritance. This strategy allows you to avoid a type explosion in cases where multiple entity types share some characteristics but differ in others.
The system represents each anchor as a spatial entity with a specific set of components that it supports. Each spatial entity is associated with a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which you can retrieve using the XrSpace handle of the anchor. Unlike the XrSpace handle that is only active during a session, the anchor’s UUID remains constant through the lifecycle of the anchor. We recommend you use these UUIDs for across-session operations on anchors, such as queries.
Asynchronous Operations and Event Handling Potentially long-running operations are asynchronous, such as enabling a component and querying anchors. As demonstrated in the code sample below, these methods have corresponding events that signal a status change in the operation. You can use the out-parameter of the request ID to identify the request that triggered the event.
You can handle events using the event loop in the android_main function:
while (androidApp->destroyRequested == 0) {
// Read all pending events.
for (;;) {
int events;
struct android_poll_source* source;
// If the timeout is zero, returns immediately without blocking.
// If the timeout is negative, waits indefinitely until an event appears.
const int timeoutMilliseconds = (app.Resumed == false && app.SessionActive == false && androidApp->destroyRequested == 0) ? -1 : 0;
if (ALooper_pollAll(timeoutMilliseconds, NULL, &events, (void**)&source) < 0) {
// Process this event.
if (source != NULL) {
source->process(androidApp, source);
The HandleXrEvents function can get quite long. See the ovrApp::HandleXrEvents function in the XrSceneModel sample app for a detailed example.
You locate an anchor using the
xrLocateSpace function. This function obtains the pose of a Space relative to a “base space.” In the example below, we get the base space as the view origin (aligned with the headset).
XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo spaceCreateInfo = {XR_TYPE_REFERENCE_SPACE_CREATE_INFO};
spaceCreateInfo.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_VIEW;
spaceCreateInfo.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.w = 1.0f;
OXR(xrCreateReferenceSpace(app.Session, &spaceCreateInfo, &app.HeadSpace));
In this example, app.HeadSpace is an XrSpace handle used to store the reference space.
You can obtain local and Stage reference spaces using the
XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE reference space types. See
XrSpaceReferenceType for more information.
Extension: XR_FB_spatial_entity
Header include: fb_spatial_entity.h
An anchor will have a specific set of components that it supports. Enabling these components allows access to the operations associated with these components. Component support and state are unique to each anchor.
In general, anchors may support any subset of the following components, provided by the XrSpaceComponentTypeFB enum:
typedef enum XrSpaceComponentTypeFB {
// Works with xrLocateSpace, etc.
// enables save, load, erase, etc.
// Bounded 2D component, used in fb_scene extension.
// Bounded 3D component, used in fb_scene extension.
// Semantic labels component, used in fb_scene extension.
// Room layout component, used in fb_scene extension.
// Space container component, used in fb_spatial_entity_container extension.
} XrSpaceComponentTypeFB;
- Locatable: Enabling this component allows tracking the 6DoF pose of the anchor through the xrLocateSpace method.
- Storable: Enabling this component allows the anchor’s persistence (write) operations, which are “save” and “erase.” Scene Model is system-managed, so their anchors cannot be saved or erased from applications. Trying to enable the Storable component for applications will result in an error code.
- Bounded_2D: An anchor with this component defines a 2D plane and supports a 2D boundary and a 2D bounding box.
- Bounded_3D: An anchor with this component defines a 3D volume and supports a 3D bounding box.
- Semantic_labels: An anchor with this component includes semantic labels.
- Room_layout: An anchor with this component includes room layout info.
- Space_container: An anchor with this component contains a list of spaces.
Enumerating Supported Components
XrResult xrEnumerateSpaceSupportedComponentsFB(
XrSpace space,
uint32_t componentTypesCapacityInput,
uint32_t* componentTypesCountOutput,
XrSpaceComponentTypeFB* componentTypes);
The xrEnumerateSpaceSupportedComponentsFB function enumerates the supported components for the specified anchor. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
- space: This parameter contains the handle to the anchor for which you want to enumerate supported components.
- componentTypesCapacityInput: The maximum number of component types expected by the caller. The caller uses this value to ensure the array returned through the componentTypes out-parameter does not exceed the bounds of the array allocated by the caller.
- [out] componentTypesCountOutput: The number of component types actually enumerated.
- [out] componentTypes: An array enumerating the component types supported by the specified anchor.
- A value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
Enabling or Disabling a Component
XrResult xrSetSpaceComponentStatusFB(
XrSpace space,
const XrSpaceComponentStatusSetInfoFB* info,
XrAsyncRequestIdFB* requestId);
This asynchronous function enables or disables the specified component for the specified anchor. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
- space: The handle of the anchor for which you want to set the component status.
- info: The struct of the component status you wish to enable, as defined below.
- [out] requestId: The ID of this asynchronous request.
- A value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
The component status is in the following struct:
- componentType: The component for which you wish to set the status.
- enable: The value to which you want to set the status.
- timeout: A timeout for the operation in nanoseconds. A value of 0.0 indicates no timeout.
struct XrSpaceComponentStatusSetInfoFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
XrSpaceComponentTypeFB componentType;
XrBool32 enabled;
XrDuration timeout;
} XrSpaceComponentStatusSetInfoFB;
NOTE: The API supports enabling Locateable on Scene Model Anchors, except anchors with the Room_layout component. Enabling other components, such as Storable and Bounded_2D, is not supported on Scene Model anchors for applications since the system generates and owns those anchors.
Getting the Status of a Component
XrResult xrGetSpaceComponentStatusFB(
XrSpace space,
XrSpaceComponentTypeFB componentType,
XrSpaceComponentStatusFB* status);
This function gets the current status of the specified component for the specified anchor. You will find the status information in the [out] status parameter.
- space: The handle to the anchor for the component whose status you wish to query.
- componentType: The component type of the component you want to query for status.
- [out] status: A struct containing information about the status of the component you queried.
- A value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
Getting UUID of an Anchor
XrResult xrGetSpaceUuidFB(
XrSpace space,
XrUuidEXT* uuid);
You use the xrGetSpaceUuidFB function to get the UUID of the specified anchor using its XrSpace handle.
- space: The XrSpace handle to the anchor.
- [out] uuid: The UUID of the anchor.
- A value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
You will find the UUID in the following struct:
typedef struct XrUuidEXT {
uint8_t value[XR_UUID_SIZE_EXT];
} XrUuidEXT;
Extension: XR_FB_scene
Header include: openxr/openxr.h
XrResult xrGetSpaceBoundingBox2DFB(
XrSession session,
XrSpace space,
XrRect2Df* boundingBox2DOutput);
You use the xrGetSpaceBoundingBox2DFB function to get a 2D bounding box associated with an anchor, which has the bounded 2D component enabled.
- session: The current XrSession.
- space: The XrSpace handle to a Scene Model anchor.
- [out] boundingBox2DOutput: The buffer where the system will store the 2D bounding box (XrRect2Df).
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
XrResult xrGetSpaceBoundingBox3DFB(
XrSession session,
XrSpace space,
XrRect3DfFB* boundingBox3DOutput);
You use the xrGetSpaceBoundingBox3DFB function to get a 3D bounding box associated with an anchor, which has the bounded 3D component enabled.
- session: The current XrSession.
- space: The XrSpace handle to a Scene Model anchor.
- [out] boundingBox3DOutput: The buffer where the system will store the 3D bounding box.
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
3D Bounding Box Struct
typedef struct XrExtent3DfFB {
float width;
float height;
float depth;
} XrExtent3DfFB;
typedef struct XrOffset3DfFB {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} XrOffset3DfFB;
typedef struct XrRect3DfFB {
XrOffset3DfFB offset;
XrExtent3DfFB extent;
} XrRect3DfFB;
Getting Semantic Label Component XrResult xrGetSpaceSemanticLabelsFB(
XrSession session,
XrSpace space,
XrSemanticLabelsFB* semanticLabelsOutput);
You use the xrGetSpaceSemanticLabelsFB function to get one or more semantic labels associated with an anchor, which has the semantic label component enabled.
- session: The current XrSession.
- space: The XrSpace handle to a Scene Model anchor.
- [out] semanticLabelsOutput: The buffer where the system will store the semantic labels.
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
Semantic Label Struct
typedef struct XrSemanticLabelsFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
// Input of the label buffer capacity in byte.
uint32_t byteCapacityInput;
// Output of the label buffer size in byte.
uint32_t byteCountOutput;
// Multiple labels represented by raw string, separated by comma (,).
char* labels;
} XrSemanticLabelsFB
The xrGetSpaceSemanticLabelsFB function employs a two-call idiom to get semantic labels in a variable length. The first call passes 0 as byteCapacityInput to retrieve the required buffer size, returned in byteCountOutput. After allocating a buffer at least as large as byteCountOutput, the second call passes a pointer to the allocated buffer to get semantic labels. The system stores the labels of an anchor as a character array in CSV format.
Supported Semantic Labels
Semantic Label | Description | Geometric Representation |
Room Structure | | |
CEILING | A ceiling | 2D |
DOOR_FRAME | A door frame. Must exist within a wall face | 2D |
FLOOR | A floor | 2D |
INVISIBLE_WALL_FACE | A wall face added by Space Setup to enclose an open room | 2D |
WALL_ART | A piece of wall art. Must exist within a wall face | 2D |
WALL_FACE | A wall face | 2D |
WINDOW_FRAME | A window frame - must exist within a wall face | 2D |
Room Contents | | |
COUCH | A couch | 2D (the seat) and 3D (the volume) |
TABLE | A table | 2D (the tabletop) and 3D (the volume) |
BED | A bed | 3D |
LAMP | A lamp | 3D |
PLANT | A plant | 3D |
SCREEN | A screen | 3D |
STORAGE | A storage container | 3D |
Mesh Objects | | |
GLOBAL_MESH | A triangle mesh of a user’s space captured during Space Setup | |
Unclassified Objects | | |
OTHER | A general volume | 3D |
This list of labels is evolving, as we periodically add support for more 2D and 3D objects. Because of this, you should consider the OTHER
type as a fallback. It may not be a type in the future, and an object you label as OTHER
may need to be changed in the future.
XrResult xrGetSpaceBoundary2DFB(
XrSession session,
XrSpace space,
XrBoundary2DFB* boundary2DOutput);
You use the xrGetSpaceBoundary2DFB function to get a 2D polygon boundary associated with an anchor, which has the bounded 2D component enabled.
- session: The current XrSession.
- space: The XrSpace handle to a Scene Model anchor.
- [out] boundary2DOutput: The buffer where the system will store the 2D boundary (XrBoundary2DFB).
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
xrGetSpaceBoundary2DFB function employs a
two-call idiom, similar to the one used for semantic labels, to retrieve a boundary with a variable number of vertices.
// 2D boundary for two-call idiom with xrGetSpaceBoundary2DFB.
struct XrBoundary2DFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
// Input, capacity of the vertex buffer.
uint32_t vertexCapacityInput;
// Output, size of the vertex buffer.
uint32_t vertexCountOutput;
// Vertices of the polygonal boundary in the coordinate frame of the associated space.
// Currently only support outer bounds.
XrVector2f* vertices;
} XrBoundary2DFB;
Getting Room Layout Component XrResult xrGetSpaceRoomLayoutFB(
XrSession session,
XrSpace space,
XrRoomLayoutFB* roomLayoutOutput);
You use the xrGetSpaceRoomLayoutFB function to get the room layout component of an anchor if it is enabled.
- session: The current XrSession.
- space: The XrSpace handle to a Scene Model anchor.
- [out] XrRoomLayoutFB: The buffer where the system will store the room layout.
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
Room Layout Struct
typedef struct XrRoomLayoutFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
// Floor of the room layout.
XrUuidEXT floorUuid;
// Ceiling of the room layout.
XrUuidEXT ceilingUuid;
// Input, capacity of wall list buffer.
uint32_t wallUuidCapacityInput;
// Output, number of walls included in the list.
uint32_t wallUuidCountOutput;
// Ordered list of walls of the room layout.
XrUuidEXT* wallUuids;
} XrRoomLayoutFB;
xrGetSpaceRoomLayoutFB function uses a
two-call idiom to retrieve a variable number of walls contained in the room layout component. If no walls exist in the layout, the first call returns a
uuidWallsCountOutput parameter of 0. The first call to the function will return the floor and ceiling UUIDs if available.
Extension: XR_FB_spatial_entity_container
Header include: openxr/openxr.h
Getting Space Container Component XrResult xrGetSpaceContainerFB(
XrSession session,
XrSpace space,
XrSpaceContainerFB* spaceContainerOutput);
You use the xrGetSpaceContainerFB function to get a space container associated with an anchor if one is enabled. A space container includes a set of Scene Model anchors identified by their UUIDs.
- session: The current XrSession.
- space: The XrSpace handle to a Scene Model anchor.
- [out] spaceContainerOutput: The buffer where the system will store the space container.
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
Space Container Struct
typedef struct XrSpaceContainerFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
// Input, capacity of UUID list.
uint32_t uuidCapacityInput;
// Output, number of spatial entities included in the list.
uint32_t uuidCountOutput;
// List of spatial entities contained in the entity to which this component is attached.
XrUuidEXT* uuids;
} XrSpaceContainerFB;
xrGetSpaceContainerFB function uses a
two-call idiom to retrieve a variable number of spaces included in the container.
Extension: XR_FB_scene_capture
Header include: fb_scene_capture.h
XrResult xrRequestSceneCaptureFB(
XrSession session,
const XrSceneCaptureRequestFB* request,
XrAsyncRequestIdFB* requestId);
You use the xrRequestSceneCaptureFB function to send a request to the system to start a capture flow of a physical environment, such as a room. Once the capture starts, the system will guide the user to complete the capture via system UX flows.
- session: The current XrSession.
- request: Specifies data for a capture request.
- [out] requestId: The ID of the asynchronous request.
- A value indicating whether the operation was successful.
Scene Capture Request Struct
typedef struct XrSceneCaptureRequestFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
// Length of request buffer.
uint32_t requestByteCount;
// Request buffer.
char* request;
} XrSceneCaptureRequestFB;
- type: The XrStructureType of this structure.
- next: Not used.
- requestByteCount: Not used. Please set it to 0.
- request: Not used. Please set it to nullptr.
- XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SCENE_CAPTURE_COMPLETE_FB: Signals the completion of a scene capture.
NOTE: For each XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SCENE_CAPTURE_COMPLETE_FB event, the event data contains an XrEventDataSceneCaptureCompleteFB struct, which includes the result of the scene capture operation.
typedef struct XrEventDataSceneCaptureCompleteFB {
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
XrResult result;
XrAsyncRequestIdFB requestId;
} XrEventDataSceneCaptureCompleteFB;
- type: The XrStructureType of this structure.
- next: Not used.
- result: The result of the scene capture operation.
- requestId: The ID of the request that triggered this event.
Scene Model/Spatial Entity Query
Extension: XR_FB_spatial_entity_query
Header include: openxr/openxr.h
You perform Scene Model discovery and loading from storage through the anchor query function, which consists of filters that define a search query and an operation to be performed on the search results.
XrResult xrQuerySpacesFB(
XrSession session,
const XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB* info,
XrAsyncRequestIdFB* requestId);
The primary use of the xrQuerySpacesFB function is to find and retrieve anchors from storage. In practice, a reference to an instance of struct XrSpaceQueryInfoFB will be cast to XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB when passing data into the query function and structuring the query filters.
You may use the filter and excludeFilter fields to chain query filters together.
typedef struct XrSpaceQueryInfoFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
XrSpaceQueryActionFB queryAction;
uint32_t maxResultCount;
XrDuration timeout;
const XrSpaceFilterInfoBaseHeaderFB* filter;
const XrSpaceFilterInfoBaseHeaderFB* excludeFilter;
} XrSpaceQueryInfoFB;
Actions supported by the query system are defined in the following enum:
typedef enum XrSpaceQueryActionFB {
// returns XrSpaces
} XrSpaceQueryActionFB;
XR_SPACE_QUERY_ACTION_LOAD_FB tells the query to perform a load operation on the anchors returned by the query.
The following filter is used to find anchors with a particular component:
typedef struct XrSpaceComponentFilterInfoFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
XrSpaceComponentTypeFB componentType;
} XrSpaceComponentFilterInfoFB;
The following filter is used to find anchors that match the specified UUIDs:
typedef struct XrSpaceUuidFilterInfoFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
uint32_t uuidCount;
const XrUuidEXT* uuids;
} XrSpaceUuidFilterInfoFB;
- XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SPACE_QUERY_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_FB: Triggers for each space returned by the query.
- XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SPACE_QUERY_COMPLETE_FB: Triggers once the system has finished the query operation.
NOTE: For each XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SPACE_QUERY_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_FB event triggered, the two-call idiom xrRetrieveSpaceQueryResultsFB should be used to get XrSpaceQueryResultsFB, which includes a list of query results.
typedef struct XrSpaceQueryResultsFB {
XrStructureType type;
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next;
uint32_t resultCapacityInput;
uint32_t resultCountOutput;
XrSpaceQueryResultFB* results;
} XrSpaceQueryResultsFB;
Each query result includes the XrSpace handle and the UUID of the returned anchor.
typedef struct XrSpaceQueryResultFB {
XrSpace space;
XrUuidEXT uuid;
} XrSpaceQueryResultFB;
- space: The XrSpace found by the query.
- uuid: The UUID for the space.
Example 1: Querying Anchors Captured for A Room
Querying anchors captured for a room consists of the following steps:
Step 1: Query anchors with a room layout component.
XrSpaceStorageLocationFilterInfoFB storageLocationFilterInfo = {
XrSpaceComponentFilterInfoFB componentFilterInfo = {
XrSpaceQueryInfoFB queryInfo = {
XrAsyncRequestIdFB requestId;
app.Session, (XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB*)&queryInfo, &requestId));
Step 2: An anchor with a room layout component also has a spatial entity container component. In addition to walls, ceiling, and floor, the spatial entity container includes other objects such as tables and couches captured for a room.
To get anchors related to a room layout in the returned anchor:
XrRoomLayoutFB roomLayout = {};
// First call
OXR(FunPtrs.xrGetSpaceRoomLayoutFB(Session, space, &roomLayout));
// Second call
std::vector<XrUuidEXT> wallUuids(roomLayout.wallUuidCountOutput
roomLayout.wallUuidCapacityInput = wallUuids.size();
roomLayout.wallUuids =;
OXR(FunPtrs.xrGetSpaceRoomLayoutFB(Session, space, &roomLayout));
if (isValid(roomLayout.floorUuid)) {
if (isValid(roomLayout.ceilingUuid)) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < roomLayout.wallUuidCountOutput; i++) {
To get a list of all anchors included in the spatial entity container of the returned anchor:
XrSpaceContainerFB spaceContainer = {};
// First call
OXR(FunPtrs.xrGetSpaceContainerFB(Session, space, &spaceContainer));
// Second call
std::vector<XrUuidEXT> uuids(spaceContainer.uuidCountOutput);
spaceContainer.uuidCapacityInput = uuids.size();
spaceContainer.uuids =;
OXR(FunPtrs.xrGetSpaceContainerFB(Session, space, &spaceContainer));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < spaceContainer.uuidCountOutput; i++) {
Step 3: Query anchors with a list of collected UUIDs.
XrSpaceStorageLocationFilterInfoFB storageLocationFilterInfo = {
XrSpaceUuidFilterInfoFB uuidFilterInfo = {
XrSpaceQueryInfoFB queryInfo = {
XrAsyncRequestIdFB requestId;
app.Session, (XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB*)&queryInfo, &requestId));
Example 2: Querying anchors with bounded 2D Components
XrSpaceStorageLocationFilterInfoFB storageLocationFilterInfo = {
XrSpaceComponentFilterInfoFB componentFilterInfo = {
XrSpaceQueryInfoFB queryInfo = {
XrAsyncRequestIdFB requestId;
app.Session, (XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB*)&queryInfo, &requestId));
Example 3: Querying all available anchors
XrSpaceQueryInfoFB queryInfo = {
XrAsyncRequestIdFB requestId;
app.Session, (XrSpaceQueryInfoBaseHeaderFB*)&queryInfo, &requestId));