Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Notice of feature support change
The Scoreboard app has been officially deprecated as of December 20th, 2024. This change will not break existing apps using the Challenges API. This is a Platform SDK feature requiring Data Use Checkup
To use this or any other Platform SDK feature, you must complete a Data Use Checkup (DUC). The DUC ensures that you comply with Developer Policies. It requires an administrator from your organization to certify that your use of user data aligns with platform guidelines. Until the app review team reviews and approves your DUC, platform features are only available for test users.Apps for children can't use Platform SDK features
If you self-certify your app as primarily for children under 13, you must avoid using Platform SDK features. This restriction ensures compliance with age-specific guidelines. To ensure compliance, the Data Use Checkup for your app is disabled.Amplify social interactions in your application with Challenges. Challenges leverage
Destinations and
Group Presence to create shareable links that allow players to compete directly based on score. Sending Challenge notifications brings new fun to the games your players already love.
Players can repeatedly challenge strangers and get to know them through this interaction. These Challenges are also asynchronous, so players aren’t restricted to being online at the same time.
Challenges can be ranked by highest or lowest scores within a time period. Any application that uses Leaderboards gets Challenges for free. It appears in the Scoreboards UI. Players can create Challenges and send invites through the Challenges app.
The purpose of this documentation is to guide developers in setting up and implementing Challenges in their Oculus applications.
It covers various aspects such as creating and sending invites, leveraging
Destinations and
Group Presence for enhanced competition, understanding the asynchronous nature of Challenges, ranking Challenges, and integrating them with Leaderboards. By following this guide, developers can effectively incorporate Challenges into their applications to promote social engagement and friendly competition among players.
User Data Warning
Avoid using any personal identifying information.This method retrieves detailed information for a single challenge by providing the challenge ID
If no error occurs, this method returns a challenge.
This method retrieves a list of entries for a specific challenge, with options to filter and limit the results.
If no error occurs, this method returns a list of challenge entries.
Get Challenges Entries After a Given Rank This method retrieves an array of challenge entries after a given rank.
If no error occurs, this method returns a list of challenge entries.
Get Challenge Entries By Ids This method retrieves an array of challenge entries based on the given ids.
If no error occurs, this method returns a list of challenge entries.
Get More Challenge Entries This method applies if any of the GetEntries methods above have next or previous entries. To continue fetching, use these methods to check if there are more entries.
ovr_ChallengeEntryArray_HasNextPage or ovr_ChallengeEntryArray_HasPreviousPage
If there are more, then use the below methods to retrieve an array of those entries.
ovr_Challenges_GetNextEntries or ovr_Challenges_GetPreviousEntries
If no error occurs, this method returns a list of challenge entries.
This method lets players join a challenge.
If no error occurs, this method returns the updated challenge.
This method lets players leave a challenge.
If no error occurs, this method returns the updated challenge.
Decline a Challenge Invite This method declines a challenge invite.
If no error occurs, this method returns the updated challenge.
Get A List of Challenges In Your Application This method retrieves a list of challenges in your application. By default, it returns only active challenges.
The following optional parameters are available through ovrChallengeOptions.
| Param type
| Description
| Type
| Query
| The name of the leaderboard this Challenge will be associated with.
| string
| Query
| Optional. Include challenges that are ongoing.
| Boolean
| Query
| Optional. Include challenges with end dates in the past.
| Boolean
| Query
| Optional. Include challenges with start dates in the future.
| Boolean
| Query | Optional. Default is ovrChallengeViewerFilter_AllVisible. ovrChallengeViewerFilter_AllVisible - Returns all invited and participating challenges that are public or invite-only. Excludes private challenges.
ovrChallengeViewerFilter_Participating - Returns challenges the view is participating in.
ovrChallengeViewerFilter_Invited - Returns challenges the viewer is invited to.
ovrChallengeViewerFilter_ParticipatingOrInvited - Returns challenges the viewer is either participating in or invited to.
| Enum, value “ovrChallengeViewerFilter_AllVisible ”, “ovrChallengeViewerFilter_Participating ”, “ovrChallengeViewerFilter_Invited ”, or "ovrChallengeViewerFilter_ParticipatingOrInvited ”
This method also supports pagination through ovr_Challenges_GetNextChallenges
or GetPreviousChallenges
. See more with “Get More Challenge Entries.”