Add-ons Integration
Updated: Jul 31, 2024
This topic discusses how to integrate add-ons into your app.
You must complete a few requirements first in order to integrate add-ons with your application. The following sections outline how to satisfy the prerequisites.
Setting up items for purchase Before you begin integrating add-ons in your app, you need to define the items that you will be offering for purchase. For guidance on setting up add-ons, see
Setting Up Add-ons.
Indicate that the app needs an Internet connection For add-ons associated with downloadable content, mark your app as requiring an Internet connection.
- From the the developer dashboard, access the app specifications page by following: Distribution > App Submissions >
{Your app}
> App Metadata > Specs. - From the Internet Connection dropdown menu, select Internet connection required for downloadable contents.
- From the developer dashboard, access the app services page by following: Development > All Platform Services > Add-ons. Click Add Service
- From the developer dashboard, access the data use checkup page by following: Requirements > Data Use Checkup. Click Add for User ID and In-App Purchases
Once you’ve defined the items that you would like to offer as purchases, you can start building them as purchasable items into your app.
The following SDK methods can be called from your client app. Detail about each function can be found in the Platform SDK
Reference Content.
Retrieve a list of available items and prices by SKU
To retrieve a list of add-on items that are available to the user to purchase by SKU, use the following method. The SKUs must have a description to be retrieved by this method.
This method also returns any virtual SKUs associated with subscription periods.
If your app displays a price for any add-on, you should use the localized price returned from this endpoint. Do not hard-code price amounts inside the app.
If a subscription tier only has a single subscription period, you can reference that single subscription period as an add-on using the SKU of its tier.
However, to differentiate between multiple subscription periods of the same SKU, we create a virtual SKU for each period by appending the subscription period (WEEKLY, BIWEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUAL, ANNUAL) to the SKU in this format:
For example, consider a subscription tier with the SKU MyApp-Subscription
that has both monthly and annual subscription periods. You would reference the subscription add-on items by virtual SKU as follows:
The GetProductsBySKU method also returns virtual SKUs, so to prevent errors, we recommend you call that method to obtain the full list of available SKUs instead of hardcoding virtual SKU strings into your product.
Launch the checkout flow for a SKU
To launch the checkout flow for a user to complete the purchase of a specified SKU, use the following method.
Retrieve all of the user’s purchased items
To retrieve a list of IAP purchases that the user has made, use the following method. The returned list includes all durable type purchases and any consumable type purchases that have not been consumed.
Retrieve a cached list of durable items a user has purchased
To retrieve a list of durable add-on items that the user has purchased, use the following method. The returned list contains non-consumable purchases and is populated from the device cache. You should always use
first and then this method if the other call fails.
To consume a purchased item on behalf of a user, which then marks the item as used, in-app, use the following method.
Integrating with downloadable content
Get a list of assets associated with an app
At app startup, this method gets a list of all the assets associated with the app.
This method returns a list of available asset details. Each item in the array has the following properties:
- the file name,assetFileID
- Asset identifierIapStatus
, which is one of the following values: free
, entitled
, or not-entitled
, which is one of the following values:
meaning that user has installed the fileavailable
meaning that user can download the filein-progress
meaning the file is being downloaded or is installing for that user.
If there is a file that is available to download, meaning its status is free or entitled, and download_status
= available
, you can initiate the download by calling:
To make this call, pass the ID of the item as returned by the initial GetList
When you make this call, you will receive an immediate DownloadResult
response with the path to the asset as a confirmation that the request was successful. You should also listen for DownloadUpdate
notifications which return info about transferred bytes, and a complete flag that notifies you when the download is complete.