to retrieve a list of external cameras.ovr_GetExternalCameras
response. This gives you the following information.
Intrinsics* LastChangedTime
- Time in seconds from last change to the parameters.FOVPort
- Angles of all 4 sides of viewport.VirtualNearPlaneDistanceMeters
- Distance, in virtual meters, of the near plane clipping distance. Your app will determine this distance.VirtualFarPlaneDistanceMeters
- Distance, in virtual meters, of the far plane clipping distance. Your app will determine this distance.ImageSensorPixelResolution
- Height and width, in pixels, of image sensor.LensDistortionMatrix
- The lens distortion of the camera.ExposurePeriodSeconds
- How frequently, in seconds, the exposure is taken. This value is not provided by the CameraTool. You should request this information in your app from the user.ExposureDurationSeconds
- Length of the exposure time. This value is not provided by the CameraTool. You should request this information in your app from the user.
* Extrinsics* CameraStatusFlags
- Current Status of the camera, a mix of bits from ovrCameraStatusFlags. * AttachedToDevice
- Which Tracked device, if any, is the camera rigidly attached to. If set to ovrTrackedDevice_None
, then the camera is not attached to a tracked object. If the external camera moves while unattached (i.e. set to ovrTrackedDevice_None
), its Pose won’t be updated.RelativePose
- The relative Pose of the External Camera. If AttachedToDevice is ovrTrackedDevice_None
, then this is a absolute pose in tracking space.LastExposureTimeSeconds
- The time, in seconds, when the last successful exposure was taken.ExposureLatencySeconds
- Estimated exposure latency to get from the exposure time to the system.AdditionalLatencySeconds
- Additional latency to get from the exposure time of the real camera to match the render time of the virtual camera.```
bool OculusWorldDemoApp::SetupMixedReality()
ovrResult error = ovr_GetExternalCameras(&ExternalCameras[0], &NumberOfCameras);
if (!OVR_SUCCESS(error))
DisplayLastErrorMessageBox("ovr_GetExternalCameras failure.");
return false;
CurrentCameraID = 0;
// We use 0 as the default camera ID. If more than one camera is connected,
// you'll need to find the camera ID based on the camera name string provided during calibrating in the CameraTool.
Sizei tempWindowSize;
tempWindowSize.w = WindowSize.w + 2 * ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Intrinsics.ImageSensorPixelResolution.w;
tempWindowSize.h = std::max(WindowSize.h, ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Intrinsics.ImageSensorPixelResolution.h);
RenderParams.Resolution = tempWindowSize;
if (pRender != nullptr)
pRender->SetWindowSize(tempWindowSize.w, tempWindowSize.h);
pPlatform->SetWindowSize(tempWindowSize.w, tempWindowSize.h); // resize the window
NearRenderViewport = Recti(Vector2i(WindowSize.w, 0), ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Intrinsics.ImageSensorPixelResolution);
FarRenderViewport = Recti(Vector2i(ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Intrinsics.ImageSensorPixelResolution.w + WindowSize.w, 0),
return true;
which gives you the transform from the original pose. If it’s attached to ovrtrackeddevice_none
then the relative pose is actually absolute.```
void OculusWorldDemoApp::RenderCamNearFarView()
Posef tempPose;
tempPose.SetIdentity(); // fixed camera pose
if (ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Extrinsics.AttachedToDevice == ovrTrackedDevice_LTouch)
tempPose = HandPoses[0];
else if (ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Extrinsics.AttachedToDevice == ovrTrackedDevice_RTouch)
tempPose = HandPoses[1];
else if (ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Extrinsics.AttachedToDevice == ovrTrackedDevice_Object0)
tempPose = TrackedObjectPose;
Posef CamPose = tempPose * Posef(ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Extrinsics.RelativePose);
Posef CamPosePlayer = ThePlayer.VirtualWorldTransformfromRealPose(CamPose, TrackingOriginType);
Vector3f up = CamPosePlayer.Rotation.Rotate(UpVector);
Vector3f forward = CamPosePlayer.Rotation.Rotate(ForwardVector);
Vector3f dif = ThePlayer.GetHeadPosition(TrackingOriginType) - CamPosePlayer.Translation;
float bodyDistance = forward.Dot(dif);
bool flipZ = DepthModifier != NearLessThanFar;
bool farAtInfinity = DepthModifier == FarLessThanNearAndInfiniteFarClip;
unsigned int projectionModifier = ovrProjection_None;
projectionModifier |= (RenderParams.RenderAPI == RenderAPI_OpenGL) ? ovrProjection_ClipRangeOpenGL : 0;
projectionModifier |= flipZ ? ovrProjection_FarLessThanNear : 0;
projectionModifier |= farAtInfinity ? ovrProjection_FarClipAtInfinity : 0;
ViewFromWorld[2] = Matrix4f::LookAtRH(CamPosePlayer.Translation, CamPosePlayer.Translation + forward, up);
// near view
CamProjection = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Intrinsics.FOVPort,
pRender->ApplyStereoParams(NearRenderViewport, CamProjection);
pRender->SetDepthMode(true, true, (DepthModifier == NearLessThanFar ?
RenderDevice::Compare_Less :
if ((GridDisplayMode != GridDisplay_GridOnly) && (GridDisplayMode != GridDisplay_GridDirect))
if (SceneMode != Scene_OculusCubes && SceneMode != Scene_DistortTune)
MainScene.Render(pRender, ViewFromWorld[2]);
RenderControllers(ovrEye_Count); // 2 : from the external camera
// far view
CamProjection = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(ExternalCameras[CurrentCameraID].Intrinsics.FOVPort,
pRender->ApplyStereoParams(FarRenderViewport, CamProjection);
pRender->SetDepthMode(true, true, (DepthModifier == NearLessThanFar ?
RenderDevice::Compare_Less :
if ((GridDisplayMode != GridDisplay_GridOnly) && (GridDisplayMode != GridDisplay_GridDirect))
if (SceneMode != Scene_OculusCubes && SceneMode != Scene_DistortTune)
MainScene.Render(pRender, ViewFromWorld[2]);
RenderControllers(ovrEye_Count); // 2 : from the external camera