Explore the Oculus Spatializer with the Sample Scene
End-of-Life Notice for Oculus Spatializer Plugin
This documentation is no longer being updated and is subject for removal.
The RedBallGreenBall sample scene provides a simple introduction to OSNP resources and examples of how what the spatializer sounds like.
The following image shows the scene.

This simple scene includes a red ball and a green ball, which illustrate different spatializer settings. A looping electronic music track is attached to the red ball, and a short human voice sequence is attached to the green ball. The room model used to calculate reflections and reverb is visualized in the scene around the listener.
You can launch the scene in the Unity Game View, navigate with the arrow keys, and control the camera orientation with your mouse to quickly hear the spatialization effects.
Prepare and open the Scene
To import RedBallGreenBall:
- Create a new Unity project.
- Import the
. - When the Importing Package dialog opens, leave all assets selected and click Import.
- Enable the Spatializer as described in Download and Setup
NOTE: If building to a VR device, this scene requires several XR dependencies in order to run properly with headtracking.
Under Window > Package Manager > Unity Registry (dropdown), install these packages:
- XR Legacy Input Helpers com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers
- XR Plugin Management com.unity.xr.management (for Unity versions later than 2019.3)
Under Player Settings > XR Plugin-in Management > Plug-in Providers, check “Oculus” for Android
For Unity 2019.3 and earlier, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player, and ensure Virtual Reality Supported is selected.
You can now open and run YellowBall in /Assets/Oculus/Spatializer/scenes
To preview the scene with a Rift:
- Import and launch RedBallGreenBall as described above.
- In Build Settings, verify that the PC, Mac and Linux Standalone option is selected under Platform.
- In Player Settings, select Virtual Reality Supported.
- Preview the scene normally in the Unity Game View.