Get Started with Passthrough
Updated: Jun 26, 2024
This topic describes the instructions to get started with passthrough.
Before you begin with passthrough:
- You need to
set up your Unity development environment
and configure your Quest headset.
- Verify your headset is running the latest version. In the headset, go to
Settings > System > Software Update and update it if necessary.
- Complete the
First Unity VR App Tutorial
to make sure your basic Unity configuration is correct.
- Perform the
basic configuration settings to
set up the Android platform and the XR Plugin management package. This makes
sure that your Unity setup is ready for Quest development.
For a passthrough Unity project, you need to replace your Main Camera with a
passthrough-enabled OVRCameraRig. With the camera in place, you just need to
add one or more passthrough layers to use passthrough.
- Create a new scene or open an existing one from your project.
- If you have not already deleted the Main Camera, select it in the
Hierarchy tab and delete it.
- If you have not already added the OVRCamera Rig, on the Project tab,
search for OVRCameraRig, and then drag the prefab into the scene.
- On the Hierarchy tab, select OVRCameraRig.
On the Inspector tab, under OVRManager, do the following:
a. Under Quest Features > General tab, in the Passthrough Support
list, select either Required or Supported to enable the build-time
components for using passthrough.
b. Under
Insight Passthrough, select
Enable Passthrough to initialize
passthrough during app startup. (To initialize passthrough at a later time
through a C# script, you can leave the checkbox unchecked and set
in your script.)
c. Click Add Component, and then in Scripts, select
OVR Passthrough Layer.
d. In the OVR Passthrough Layer (Script) section, select the Projection Surface dropdown list to configure whether the
passthrough rendering uses an automatic environment depth reconstruction
or a user-defined surface.
What you do next depends on the type of passthrough you want. To draw
passthrough on top of your virtual content, set Placement to Overlay. To
draw passthrough underneath your virtual content, set Placement to
Underlay. When you have multiple layers, use the Composition Depth
setting to define the ordering between the layers. Layers with smaller
Composition Depth values have a higher priority and appear in front of
layers with larger Composition Depth values.
Enable based on system recommendation
In your app, you may want to show either a VR or passthrough background based on
user choice. Our system already provides users with this choice in the home
environment, and your app can leverage the user’s home environment preference.
More generally, our system provides a recommendation for apps to
default to MR or VR based on user preferences. This recommendation is available
Example usage:
// Add this to any MonoBehavior
void Start()
if (OVRManager.IsPassthroughRecommended())
passthroughLayer.enabled = true;
// Set camera background to transparent
OVRCameraRig ovrCameraRig = GameObject.Find("OVRCameraRig").GetComponent<OVRCameraRig>();
var centerCamera = ovrCameraRig.centerEyeAnchor.GetComponent<Camera>();
centerCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
centerCamera.backgroundColor = Color.clear;
// Ensure your VR background elements are disabled
passthroughLayer.enabled = false;
// Ensure your VR background elements are enabled
Wait until passthrough is ready
Enabling passthrough is asynchronous. System resources (like cameras) can take a
few hundred milliseconds to activate, during which time passthrough is not yet
rendered by the system. This can lead to black flickers if your app expects
passthrough to be visible immediately upon enabling, and the passthrough system
wasn’t previously active. You can avoid that by using the
passthroughLayerResumed event, which is emitted once the layer is fully
initialized, and passthrough is visible.
You don’t need to worry about this at app startup, though. If the transition
leading into your app was already showing passthrough (see
Loading Screens),
you can rely on passthrough being rendered immediately upon enabling. Just make
sure that your
is enabled right from the start. In other words, you only need to consider this event if you enable passthrough while the
app is already running.
Example usage:
[SerializeField] private OVRPassthroughLayer oVRPassthroughLayer;
private void Awake()
// 1) We enable the passthrough layer to kick off its initialization process
oVRPassthroughLayer.enabled = true;
private void OnDestroy()
// 2) OnPassthroughLayerResumed is called once the layer is fully initialized and passthrough is visible
private void OnPassthroughLayerResumed(OVRPassthroughLayer passthroughLayer)
// 3) Do something here after the passthrough layer has resumed
Rapid passthrough app development
You can speed up app development significantly by avoiding the need to rebuild
and deploy for every iteration. Consider the following options:
- Passthrough over Link
allows you to run your app directly in the Unity editor with a headset
connected over Link.
- Meta XR Simulator allows you to run your
app in a simulator without the need for a headset.