Shared Spatial Anchors Sample
Updated: Nov 5, 2024
Health & Safety Recommendation
When building mixed reality experiences, we highly recommend evaluating your content to offer your users a comfortable and safe experience. Refer to the Health and Safety and Mixed Reality Design guidelines before designing and developing your app.
Co-location increases the number of individuals in a shared physical space with restricted visibility of their surroundings. Crowded experiences create safety risks. It is important to be mindful of the occupancy of the playspace for the shared experience being built. Refer to the Shared Spatial Anchors health and safety guidelines for more information. A developer package with health and safety suggestions is also available for easy integration: Shared Spatial Anchors Health and Safety AppSharing anchors is available for Meta Quest Pro on v47 or higher and for Quest 2 on v49 or higher. Quest 1 does not support sharing anchors.
Unity-SharedSpatialAnchors demonstrates how to use the Shared Spatial Anchors API. This API available in the
Meta XR Core SDK. The sample app showcases the creation, saving, loading, and sharing of Spatial Anchors. For anchor sharing, this app uses Photon Unity Networking to share player data, and also allows users to interact with networked objects in a co-located space.
This codebase is available both as a reference and as a template for a game that utilizes Shared Spatial Anchors. Unity-SharedSpatialAnchors is under the license found
here unless otherwise specified.
Set up Project Environment
To share Spatial Anchors, your app will need to use Quest Platform Features.
- Click Create New App under your developer organization.
- Enter a name for your app.
- Choose Meta Horizon Store. If you also use Link to run the app from your PC, repeat these steps to also create a Rift app.
- From the left navigation, go to Requirements > Data Use Checkup,
- Complete Age group self-certification before requesting access to User ID and User Profile platform features.
- From the left navigation, go to Development > API. Ensure you’ve selected an app, and then note the number under App ID.
Once you’ve opened the project in Unity, navigate to Meta or Oculus in V63 SDK > Platform > Edit Settings.
- Enter the Quest App ID from above in the Meta Quest/2/Pro field.
- If you want to test with Link, specify the Rift App ID in the Oculus Rift field.
- Under Build Settings, replace the Bundle Identifier with a valid and unique Android package name, like com.yourcompany.ssa_sample. Your app’s anchors will be associated with this package name.
This project uses Photon’s PUN to support multiplayer networking. The following are the steps for creating a new Photon application:
- Create an account on Photon.
- On the Dashboard page, follow the prompt to create a new app.
- Select Photon SDK: set to PUN.
- Name and Description: can be set to anything.
- URL: can be left blank.
- Create a PUN app on your developer account and add the app ID to the PhotonServerSettings file in Assets/ThirdParty/Photon/PhotonUnityNetworking/Resources/PhotonServerSettings.asset, under the entry AppIdRealtime. You can find the PhotonServerSettings from the menu at Window > Photon Unity Networking > Highlight Server Settings.
OVRManager Configuration
The OVRManager component is attached to the OVRCameraRig object in each scene.
OVRManager has the following parameters that must be configured for SSA:
- Tracking Origin Type: STAGE
- The STAGE tracking origin type will ensure that virtual objects do not move when a re-center event occurs.
- Anchor Support: Enabled
- Shared Spatial Anchor Support: Required or Supported
- The sample app uses Supported because it includes local anchor functionality.
Android Manifest
The Android manifest tool can be used to update your project manifest to support SSA.
Meta or Oculus in V63 SDK > Tools > Create store-compatible AndroidManifest.xml
The following permissions are required for SSA and passthrough to work in your app:
- <uses-permission android:name=”com.oculus.permission.USE_ANCHOR_API” />
- <uses-permission android:name=”com.oculus.permission.IMPORT_EXPORT_IOT_MAP_DATA” />
- <uses-feature android:name=”com.oculus.feature.PASSTHROUGH” android:required=”true” />
The Oculus manifest tool will add these permissions when used with the above OVRManager configuration.
Upon joining the scene, you should be in a passthrough environment with virtual representations of your right and left controllers.
A control panel follows your left controller. You can use your right controller to interact with it and press menu buttons with the white dot on your controller. Create or join a room using the control panel to get started.
The main menu of the control panel includes the following functions:
- Toggle Anchor Creator: Toggles anchor creation mode. When enabled, an anchor preview is visible on your right hand. Upon pressing the trigger, you can place a new Spatial Anchor into the scene.
- Load Local Anchors: Downloads and instantiates any anchors that are saved to the headset.
- Spawn Networked Cube: Spawns a cube just above the menu. The cube is visible and grabbable by all players in the room. Grabbing the cube transfers network ownership to the player that grabs it.
- Photon Info Panel: Shows the photon room that the player has connected to, the current connection status, and a list of users in the room.
- Logging Panel: The right half of the menu is used for logging (for debug purposes). You can press the arrow buttons on the bottom right to navigate multiple pages of logs.
When an anchor spawns, the anchor panel appears.
The anchor panel includes the following functions:
- Save Anchor Locally: Saves the anchor to your local headset. Load the anchor by selecting the Load Local Anchors option from the control panel.
- Hide Anchor: Deletes the anchor from the scene, but remains saved in your local headset storage if you saved it. You can respawn it by selecting the Load Local Anchors option on the control panel.
- Erase Anchor: Deletes the anchor from the scene and erases the saved file in local storage. You’ll no longer be able to load the anchor.
- Share Anchor: Shares the anchor with all other users that are connected to the room and any new users that join the room.
- Align to Anchor: Realigns your headset’s coordinate system to be based on this anchor transform. This enables co-location when multiple users align to the same Shared Anchor. You’ll notice the networked cube appears in the same position for all users.
The sample app uses
Meta XR Core SDK and the following Presence Platform features:
- Assets/SharedSpatialAnchors/Scenes/SharedSpatialAnchors.unity
- Each user can create and share any number of anchors in a shared physical space.
- Assets/SceneSharing/Scenes/SharedSpatialAnchorsWithScene.unity
- When the host aligns and shares an anchor, secondary users receive the scene objects from the host.
- The networked cubes can be thrown, and will bounce off scene objects (Walls, floor, tables, desks, etc.).
- Assets/CoLocation/Scenes/CoLocatedSafety.unity
- Automatic anchor creation, alignment, and sharing.
- Directional pass-through when near users that are outside the field of view.
- Passthrough cutouts with multiple settings on when to appear.
- Assets/AnchorCaching/AnchorCaching.unity
- Automatic anchor creation, alignment, and sharing.
- Automatic anchor caching for faster time-to-colocation for subsequent app runs.
- ControlPanel - World-space UI for creating/loading anchors and spawning cubes.
- PhotonNetworkManager - Networking Manager for Photon rooms, player synchronization, and shared anchor ID sharing.
- AlignPlayer - Transforms the anchors position from world-space to local-space and applies orientation to the OVRCameraRig.
- OVRCameraRig - The tracking space with OVR camera and hand components as children.
- PointableCanvasModule - UI EventSystem and Interaction componetents.
- Common
- SpatialAnchorPlacement: Placement prefab for anchor placement visualization.
- SpatialAnchorPrefab:
- SharedAnchor: Interface for anchor alignment and sharing.
- OVRSpatialAnchor: SDK script that controls orientation of the anchor after localization.
- PhotonGrabbableObject: Manages the transfer of ownership for a grabbable networked cube.
- Shared Scene
- PhotonThowableObject: Manages the transfer of ownership for a throwable networked cube.
- Common
- SampleController: Controller for scene configuration and logging. Attached to the ControlPanel prefab.
- SharedAnchorControlPanel: Controller for sample UI. Attached to the ControlPanel prefab.
- SharedAnchorLoader: Manages API calls and callbacks for the SSA API. Attached to the ControlPanel on SampleController::Awake.
- Shared Scene
- SceneApiSceneCaptureStrategy: Manages API calls and callbacks for the Scene API.
- Scene: Serialized object for storing and sharing scene data (Walls, Desks, Floor, etc.).
Why Anchor Alignment?
A GameObject with an OVRSpatialAnchor component attached appears in the same orientation for all players in a colocated space. You can attach GameObjects to an anchor to display them in the same orientation as well.
Aligning to a single anchor is important for apps that cannot attach each object to its own anchor. This is common in projects with complex scene hierarchies, projects with certain types of physics implementations, and projects with certain types of networking implementations. For example, when using Photon to synchronize transforms. It is a common practice to instantiate root scene GameObjects by using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate.
The sample app uses a simple networked cube to demonstrate this functionality. The cube has a PhotonTransformView attached, and it is instantiated using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(). This object will be created at the root hierarchy of the scene and Photon will handle all transform synchronization between each player’s representation in the room.
Align to an anchor first, and then spawn a networked cube using the Control Panel. Each player that is aligned to the same anchor will see the cube in the same orientation. Now jump into the Shared Scene flow and you can throw these cubes against the walls, desks, tables, and floor.
Handling Re-center Events
Meta XR Core SDK handles the orientation of the camera when a recenter event is triggered. With the OVRManager component configured to use the STAGE Tracking Origin Type (See above section on OVRManager configuration), virtual objects will not move when a recenter event occurs.
The anchor caching scene demonstrates locally stored anchors and automatic sharing to enable fast colocation.
- A new scene for anchor caching.
- The SampleController component on the ControlPanel object contains a flag that enables or disables cached anchors.
- CachedSharedSpatialAnchorPrefab:
- CachedSharedAnchor: Interface for anchor sharing, alignment, and caching.
- OVRSpatialAnchor: SDK script that controls orientation of the anchor after localization.
- The SampleController component on the ControlPanel object is configured to use the CachedSharedSpatialAnchorPrefab located at Assets/AnchorCaching/Prefabs.
- The CachedSharedAnchor component is similar to the SharedAnchor component; however, it handles automatic local save, cloud save, and sharing which enables a faster time-to-colocation.