Meta Quest Touch Plus Controllers
Updated: Aug 17, 2024
The Meta Quest Touch Plus Controller has one new input axis: trigger force.
The following are new entries in Axis1D
PrimaryIndexTriggerForce = 0x1000,
SecondaryIndexTriggerForce = 0x2000,
The following are new entries in RawAxis1D
LIndexTriggerForce = 0x1000,
RIndexTriggerForce = 0x2000,
For querying the controller state from input axes, see
OVRInput Usage.
The following are new entries in the OVRPlugin.InteractionProfiles
The Meta Quest Touch Plus interaction profile is unique from other Meta Quest controller interaction profiles.
// returns the currently active interaction profile, usually the same as the connected hardware
// (TouchPlus with Meta Quest Touch Plus Controller connected)
Querying the trigger force axis returns a floating point value, from 0.0 to 1.0. It expresses the amount of force being applied by the user to the trigger after it reaches the end of the range of travel:
- 0 = no additional pressure applied
- 1 = maximum detectable pressure applied.
// returns a float of the primary (typically the Left) index finger trigger force current state.
// (range of 0.0f to 1.0f)
// returns a float of the right index finger trigger force current state.
// (range of 0.0f to 1.0f)
Meta Quest Touch Plus has a VCM (Voice Coil Motor) and supports the PCM haptics API. For more information, see
Haptic Feedback.
Note: Meta Quest Touch Plus Controller do not support localized haptics like the Meta Quest Touch Pro.
To learn more about using controllers in XR applications in Unity, see the following guides: