to track the GPU memory usage on a process with the following command:adb shell gpumeminfo -p $(pidof <process-name>)
adb shell gpumeminfo -p l
will continuously run and print the list of allocations and sizes in MB. The output for this command looks like the following:gpumeminfo
:Argument | Description |
-h | Prints help message. |
-m | Prints the memory information in machine-readable format. |
-o | Prints the memory information once and exits. |
-p | Specifies which application to attach to. |
-s | “Specifies the interval |
-d | Dump system overall statistics. |
-l | Lists GPU memory statistics of all running processes. |
-t | Sort the list with memory usage type in the following order: any(0), arraybuffer, cl, cl_image_nomap, cl_kernel_stack, command, egl_image, egl_surface, gl, texture, vk_cmdbuffer, vk_devicememory. |