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UNITYMeta Horizon OS UI Set
The Meta Horizon OS UI Set is a collection of essential user interface components designed for immersive experiences. It is available for download in both Meta XR Interaction SDK Unity and Figma.
Debug graphics during development for Meta Quest devices. See the way your app’s engine determined how a scene should be rendered for a single frame.
Meta XR Audio SDK for Unity provides comprehensive spatial audio features for immersive applications, including a spatial audio renderer with HRTF, ambisonic audio playback, and room acoustics for creating immersive environments.
The Meta XR Haptics SDK for Unity provides a high-level, media based API for playing and modulating haptic clips authored in Haptics Studio on Quest controllers.
Meta Haptics Studio is a desktop application and companion VR application. It allows you to design and audition haptic clips, which can be exported and played in your app via the Meta XR Haptics SDK.
Meta Haptics Studio is a desktop application and companion VR application. It allows you to design and audition haptic clips, which can be exported and played in your app via the Meta Haptics SDK.
Debug graphics during development for Meta Quest devices. See the way your app’s engine determined how a scene should be rendered for a single frame.
MRUK provides a rich set of utilities/tools on top of Scene API to perform common operations when building spatially-aware apps. This makes it quick and easy to program against the physical world and allows the developer to focus ...
The Synthetic Environment Builder lets you use your own synthetic environment for mixed reality simulation in the Meta XR Simulator. It is a UPM package that you can import into your Unity project containing a synthetic environmen...
Meta Voice SDK - Dictation enables your app to efficiently transcribe speech to text in real time with better recognition results using immersive voice commands.
Meta Voice SDK - Composer provides support for Composer, a feature in for visually designing interactive conversations in a graph-based dialogue designer.
Meta Voice SDK - Telemetry provides insights into the operation of the VoiceSDK and its related packages so that we can improve the experience for everyone.
Meta XR Audio SDK provides comprehensive spatial audio features for immersive applications, including a spatial audio renderer with HRTF, ambisonic audio playback, and room acoustics for creating immersive environments.
The Meta XR Interaction SDK OVR Samples package contains sample scenes, prefabs, and art assets for Interaction SDK, using OVR variants of the player rig.
The Meta XR Interaction SDK package allows Interaction SDK to interface with OVRPlugin. Use this package if you are using OVRPlugin or the Utilities package.
Meta XR Interaction SDK Essentials provides the core implementations of all the provided interaction models along with necessary shaders, materials, and prefabs.
Meta XR Platform SDK provides features to help create social VR applications. Add Matchmaking, DLC, In-App Purchases, Cloud Storage, and more to your experience using the individual components of the SDK.
Meta XR Simulator is a lightweight OpenXR runtime built for developers and enables you to simulate Meta VR devices and features on the API level. This is the Unity integration and contains the OpenXR runtime, configuration files a...
Meta XR Audio SDK for FMOD provides comprehensive spatial audio features for immersive applications, including a spatial audio renderer with HRTF, ambisonic audio playback, and room acoustics for creating immersive environments.
Meta XR Audio SDK for Wwise provides comprehensive spatial audio features for immersive applications, including a spatial audio renderer with HRTF, ambisonic audio playback, and room acoustics for creating immersive environments.
Oculus Integration SDK has been replaced by Meta XR UPM packages as of v59. Please download the UPM packages instead.
The latest Oculus Integration SDK for Unity packages OVRPlugin, Interaction SDK (Experimental), Platform SDK, V...
Enhance presence and immersion with Meta Avatars SDK. Give users a unique sense of self with advanced body tracking and modularized full-bodied torsos.
Measure the overall loudness of your audio mix and use integral functions and gates to measure loudness over time. This tool is only supported on Windows.