Unplug/replug while in PTSamples Unreal scene causes a skyline to freeze and become unstable
Using adb screen record in PassthroughSamples causes severe screen slicing with half-freeze frame
Passthrough scene is getting stretched out and distorted when trying to recenter using hands only
Putting PC to sleep whilst in USB Link with app running, occasionally wakes PC immediately
With MetaXR plugin, hand gestures do not work in VR preview demo if PC is focused into Editor window and not Play window
DepthAPI over Link: There is an issue that is causing Meta Link App to hang indefinitely when DepthAPI-over-Link is used. In order to avoid hanging of Link app, please do not use Environment Depth API in the game engine play mode (Unity, Unreal, Native). The issue will be resolved in the upcoming release. Depth on the device is not affected, this issue is specific to Link.