Haptics Overview
Meta Haptics Studio and Haptics SDK (
Unity |
Unreal) are tools enabling you to quickly design, test, and integrate best-in-class haptic experiences into your apps.
These tools are the recommended path for haptics creation and integration for Quest devices. They provide simple, high-level abstractions and workflows over the runtime APIs. You can design and implement haptics more easily, without having to be concerned with writing lower-level control flow code or thinking about runtime device checking and compatibility.
Downloads and Documentation
Meta Haptics Studio, a desktop application for Mac and Windows (with a companion app on Meta Quest), allows designers and developers to create and audition haptics for Meta Quest, without the need to write or compile code.
Haptics SDK (
Unreal) provides a unified, high-level, media-based API for playing haptic clips authored in Haptics Studio on Quest controllers and other PCVR devices. The SDK detects the controller at runtime and optimizes the haptic pattern to maximize the controller’s capabilities. This feature ensures your haptic clips are both backward and forward compatible with Quest devices.