) to the location of the filechmod +x ./ovr-platform-util
and a commandget-access-token
command.Task | Command |
Get help with the utility | |
Get the version of the Oculus platform utility | |
Update the Oculus platform utility | |
Get the app access token |
| Download a Rift build | download-rift-build
| Clone an existing Rift build | clone-rift-build
| Move build to a different release channel | set-release-channel-build
| Upload an add-on files such as DLC or IAP | upload-add-on
|Task | Command |
Upload a Meta Quest build | |
Download a Meta Quest build | |
Upload debug symbols for an existing build | |
Move build to a different release channel | |
Upload an add-on files such as DLC or IAP |
$ ovr-platform-util.exe help
command$ ovr-platform-util version
Oculus Platform Command Line Utility - (Built on Tue Jul 28 2020)
command.$ ovr-platform-util self-update
Checking for the latest version
Already running the latest version
$ ovr-platform-util.exe get-access-token
$ ovr-platform-util upload-rift-build -a <AppID> --app-secret <App-Secret> --token <User-Token> -d <BuildPath> -l <LaunchFile>
-c <ReleaseChannel> -v <Number> -n <Text> --assets-dir <assset-dir> --asset-files-config <config.json> --language-packs-dir [-p <Arguments>] [-L <2DLaunchFile>] [-P <2DArguments>]
[-r <RedistID>[,]...] [-f {true|false}] [--help {true|false}] [--clean {true|false}] [--inherit-assets {true|false}]
Syntax | Description |
-d <buildPath> --build-dir <buildPath> | Required. Specifies the full path to the directory containing your build files. |
-a <ID> --app-id <ID> | Required. Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-s <app-secret> --app-secret <app-secret> | Required. Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Either app secret or user token required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-c <releaseChannel> --channel <ReleaseChannel> | Required. Specifies the release channel for uploading the build. Use store for the "Production (AppLab)" or "Production (Store)" channels. Release channel names are not case-sensitive. |
-v <version-number> --version <version-number> | Required. Specifies the version number shown to users. |
-l <launchFile> --launch-file <launchFile> | Required. Specifies the relative path from the the build directory to the executable that launches your app. |
-n <text> --notes <text> | Optional. Specifies the release note text shown to users. Enclose the text in quotation marks. Encodes double quotes as \". Encode newlines as \n. |
-p <arguments> --launch-params <arguments> | Optional. Specifies any arguments passed to the launcher. |
--assets-dir <dirPath> | Optional Specifies the path to the directory with DLCs for this build. |
--asset-files-config <filePath> | Optional. Specifies the path to the file that configures required assets or associates DLC assets with in-app purchases. |
--language-packs-dir <file-path> | Optional. The path to the directory that contains language packs. |
-L <2DLaunchFile> --launch-file-2d <2DLaunchFile> | Optional. Specifies the relative path from the build directory to the executable that launches your app in 2D mode. |
-P <2DArguments> --launch-params-2d <2DArguments> | Optional. Specifies any arguments passed to the launcher in 2D mode. |
-r <redistID>,<redistID2>... --redistributables <redistID>,<redistID2>.... | Optional. Specifies one or more redistributable IDs. Enclose the IDs with quotation marks. Separate multiple redistributable IDs with commas. Example - “RedistID1,RedistID2”. See the Redistributable section for a complete list of redistributables and their IDs |
-f {true/false} --firewall-exceptions {true/false} | Optional. Specifies if a Windows Firewall exception is required. True or False. Default is false. |
-g <option> --gamepad-emulation <option> | Optional. Allow for gamepad emulation via Touch (Options as “OFF”, “TWINSTICK”, “RIGHT_D_PAD”, and “LEFT_D_PAD”). |
Syntax | Description |
--help | Optional. Show help for the command |
--draft | Optional. Uploads as a draft which can be later published on the Developer Dashboard. |
--clean | Optional. Skips the caching layer and performs a fresh upload. Use this if you want to force the tool to start over and recompute the checksums of an interrupted upload session instead of continuing where it left off. |
--config | Optional. Provides the JSON file with configuration parameters |
--inherit-asset-files | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to inherit asset files from the previous build. The default is false. |
--exclude-addons | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to exclude the add-ons associated with this app. The default is false. |
--disable-progress-bar | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to disable progress bar. |
$ ovr-platform-util upload-rift-build --app-id 10001234 --token 1234abcd
-d "C:\Rabbit Hole" -l "bin\badrabbits.exe"
-n "Fixes the rabbit spawn bug." -v 1.1 -c rc
$ ovr-platform-util upload-rift-build --app-id 10001234 --app-secret 1234abcd -d "C:\Rabbit Hole" -l "bin\badrabbits.exe" -n "Fixes the rabbit spawn bug."
-v 1.1 -c rc -r "606493776156948, 910524935693407"
$ ovr-platform-util upload-rift-build --app-id 10001234 --token 1234abcd
-d "C:\Rabbit Hole" -l "bin\badrabbits.exe"
-n "Fixes the rabbit spawn bug." -v 1.1 -c rc -L badrabbits2d.exe
-P '-force2dfix' -f -w "10"
$ ovr-platform-util upload-rift-build --app-id 10001234 --token 1234abcd -d "C:\Rabbit Hole" -l "bin\badrabbits.exe"
-n "Carrots now available as in-app purchases.\nBlue rabbits no longer \"glitch\" and get stuck in terrain.\nSpawn sound spatialization adjusted for realism."
-v 1.1 -c rc
$ ovr-platform-util download-rift-build -b <BuildID> -d <Directory>
Syntax | Description |
-b <buildID> --build-id <buildID> | Required. Specifies the build ID you want to download. You can obtain this from the CLI output after successfully uploading an app build with the command line tool. |
-d <directory> --output-dir <directory> | Required. Specifies the directory you want to download the build to. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
Syntax | Description |
--help | Optional. Show help for the command |
-c --concurrency | Optional. An integer indicuating how many segments to download at a time. Default is 10. |
$ ovr-platform-util download-rift-build -b 3141592653589793 -d "C:\Pie Thrower"
$ ovr-platform-util add-entitlement-check -b <BuildID> -d <Directory>
Syntax | Description |
-d <buildPath> --build-dir <buildPath> | Required. Specifies the full path to the directory containing your build files. |
-d <directory> --output-dir <directory> | Required. Specifies the directory you want to download the build to. |
ovr-platform-util clone-rift-build --app-id <AppID> --app-secret <App-Secret> --token <User-Token> --source-channel <Channel> --destination-channel <Channel> [OPTIONS]
Syntax | Description |
-a <ID> --app-id <ID> | Required. Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-s <app-secret> --app-secret <app-secret> | Either app secret or user token required. Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Either app secret or user token required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
--destination-channel <channel> | Required. Specifies the release channel to be updated. |
--source-channel <channel> | Optional. If specified, the build from this channel will be copied to the destination channel. |
-b <buildID> --build-id <buildID> | Optional. Specifies the build ID you want to download. You can obtain this from the CLI output after successfully uploading an app build with the command line tool. |
-v <version-number> --version <version-number> | Required. Specifies the version number shown to users. |
-l <launchFile> --launch-file <launchFile> | Required. Specifies the relative path from the the build directory to the executable that launches your app. |
-n <text> --notes <text> | Optional. Specifies the release note text shown to users. Enclose the text in quotation marks. Encodes double quotes as \". Encode newlines as \n. |
-p <arguments> --launch-params <arguments> | Optional. Specifies any arguments passed to the launcher. |
-L <2DLaunchFile> --launch-file-2d <2DLaunchFile> | Optional. Specifies the relative path from the build directory to the executable that launches your app in 2D mode. |
-P <2DArguments> --launch-params-2d <2DArguments> | Optional. Specifies any arguments passed to the launcher in 2D mode. |
-r <redistID>,<redistID2>... --redistributables <redistID>,<redistID2>.... | Optional. Specifies one or more redistributable IDs. Enclose the IDs with quotation marks. Separate multiple redistributable IDs with commas. Example - “RedistID1,RedistID2”. See the Redistributable section for a complete list of redistributables and their IDs |
-f {true/false} --firewall-exceptions {true/false} | Optional. Specifies if a Windows Firewall exception is required. True or False. Default is false. |
-w {"7SP1"/8.1/10} --windows-min-version {"7SP1"/8.1/10} | Optional. Specifies the minimum required Windows version. The versions that can be specified are “7SP1”, 8.1, 10. The default is “7SP1”. |
-g <option> --gamepad-emulation <option> | Optional. Allow for gamepad emulation via Touch (Options as “OFF”, “TWINSTICK”, “RIGHT_D_PAD”, and “LEFT_D_PAD”). |
ovr-platform-util clone-rift-build --app-id 10001234 --app-secret 1234abdc --source-channel alpha --destination-channel beta --launch-params "server=beta"
Name | Redistributable ID |
.NET Framework 3.5 | 606493776156948 |
.NET Framework 4.0 | 133610290311340 |
.NET Framework 4.5.1 | 1617306711884127 |
.NET Framework 4.7.1 | 1667821599930345 |
DirectX (June 2010) | 822786567843179 |
OpenAL 1.1 | 1147517301974655 |
Visual C++ | 20051604897159783747 |
Visual C++ | 2008118440348500045 |
Visual C++ | 2010532320330249657 |
Visual C++ | 2010 x861008652072555515 |
Visual C++ | 20121683508698536289 |
Visual C++ | 2012 x861002692246447245 |
Visual C++ | 20131675031999409058 |
Visual C++ | 2013 x86910524935693407 |
Visual C++ | 2015 Update 31183534128364060 |
Visual C++ | 2015 x86 Update 31113033105419344 |
Visual C++ | 20171315322525257173 |
Visual C++ | 2017 x861064693870299984 |
Visual C++ | 20192657209094360789 |
Visual C++ | 2019 x862556834837738356 |
Vulkan Runtime | |
Vulkan Runtime | |
ovr-platform-util upload-quest-build --age-group {TEENS_AND_ADULTS | MIXED_AGES | CHILDREN} --app_id <ID> --app_secret <app-secret> --token <user-token> --apk <path/to/Your.apk> --obb <path/to/Your.obb> --assets-dir <path/to/DLCs/dir> --channel <ReleaseChannel> --notes <ReleaseNotes> --asset-files-config <config.json> --language-packs-dir <path> --debug_symbols_dir <DirPath> --debug-symbols-pattern <FilenamePattern> [--help {true|false}] [--inherit-assets {true|false}]
[--exclude-addons {true|false}]
Syntax | Description |
--age-group | Required. (If not specified, the upload will go into “draft” status, rather than failing.) Age group of the build. This can be TEENS_AND_ADULTS, MIXED_AGES, or CHILDREN. For more information, see Age Group Self-Certification and Youth Requirements. |
-a <ID> --app-id <ID> | Required. Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-s <app-secret> --app-secret <app-secret> | Either app secret or user token required. Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Either app secret or user token required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
--apk <filePath> | Required. Specifies the path to the APK file to upload. |
--assets-dir <dirPath> | Optional Specifies the path to the directory with DLCs for this build. |
--asset-files-config <filePath> | Optional. Specifies the path to the file that configures required assets or associates DLC assets with in-app purchases. |
--obb <filePath> | Optional. Specifies the path to the Expansion file (OBB) to upload. |
-c <releaseChannel> --channel <ReleaseChannel> | Required. Specifies the release channel for uploading the build. Use store for the "Production (AppLab)" or "Production (Store)" channels. Release channel names are not case-sensitive. |
-n <text> --notes <text> | Optional. Specifies the release note text shown to users. Enclose the text in quotation marks. Encodes double quotes as \". Encode newlines as \n. |
--language-packs-dir <file-path> | Optional. The path to the directory that contains language packs. |
--debug-symbols-dir <dirPath> | Optional. The path to the directory that contains debug symbol files. |
--debug-symbols-pattern <filenamePattern> | Optional. A pattern sequence that can match the filenames of all the debug symbol files. An asterisk may be used to indicate a wildcard, for example, * |
Syntax | Description |
--help | Optional. Show help for the command |
--draft | Optional. Uploads as a draft which can be later published on the Developer Dashboard. |
--config | Optional. Provides the JSON file with configuration parameters |
--inherit-asset-files | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to inherit asset files from the previous build. The default is false. |
--exclude-addons | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to exclude the add-ons associated with this app. The default is false. |
--disable-progress-bar | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to disable progress bar. |
$ ovr-platform-util upload-quest-build --age-group MIXED_AGES --app-id 10001234 --token 1234abcd --apk C:\RabbitHole.apk --channel alpha --notes "Fixes the rabbit spawn bug."
ovr-platform-util download-quest-build -b <BuildID> -d <Directory>
Syntax | Description |
-b <buildID> --build-id <buildID> | Required. Specifies the build ID you want to download. You can obtain this from the CLI output after successfully uploading an app build with the command line tool. |
-d <directory> --output-dir <directory> | Required. Specifies the directory you want to download the build to. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
$ ovr-platform-util download-quest-build -b 3141592653589793 -d "C:\Pie Thrower"
ovr-platform-util upload-debug-symbols --parent <BuildID> --app-id <ID> --app-secret <App-Secret> --token <User-Token> --debug-symbols-dir <DirPath> --debug-symbols-pattern <FilenamePattern>
Syntax | Description |
-p <buildID> --parent <buildID> | Required. Specifies the build ID of the binary to attach debug symbol files to. You can obtain the build ID from the CLI output after successfully uploading an app build. Or, you can obtain it from the Details page in Developer Center by clicking the version number of an uploaded binary. |
-a <ID> --app-id <ID> | Required. Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-s <app-secret> --app-secret <app-secret> | Either app secret or user token required. Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Either app secret or user token required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
--debug-symbols-dir <dirPath> | Required. The path to the directory that contains debug symbol files. |
--debug-symbols-pattern <filenamePattern> | Required. A pattern sequence that can match the filenames of all the debug symbol files. An asterisk may be used to indicate a wildcard, for example, * |
Syntax | Description |
--help | Optional. Show help for the command |
--disable-progress-bar | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to disable progress bar. |
$ ovr-platform-util upload-debug-symbols --parent 1234567890123456 -a 1234567890123456 -t <user-token> --debug-symbols-dir /myProject/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/ --debug-symbols-pattern *.so
ovr-platform-util set-release-channel-build --age-group {TEENS_AND_ADULTS | MIXED_AGES | CHILDREN} --app-id <AppID> --app-secret <App-Secret> --token <User-Token> --source-channel <Channel> --destination-channel <Channel>
Syntax | Description |
--age-group | Required. Age group of the build. This can be TEENS_AND_ADULTS, MIXED_AGES, or CHILDREN. For more information, see Age Group Self-Certification and Youth Requirements. |
-d <buildPath> --build-dir <buildPath> | Required. Specifies the full path to the directory containing your build files. |
-s <app-secret> --app-secret <app-secret> | Either app secret or user token required. Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Either app secret or user token required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
--destination-channel <channel> | Required. Specifies the release channel to be updated. |
-b <buildID> --build-id <buildID> | Optional. Specifies the build ID you want to download. You can obtain this from the CLI output after successfully uploading an app build with the command line tool. |
--source-channel <channel> | Optional. If specified, the build from this channel will be copied to the destination channel. |
$ ovr-platform-util set-release-channel-build --age-group TEENS_AND_ADULTS --app-id 10001234 --app-secret 1234abcd --source-channel beta --destination-channel rc
command. For more information, see Add-ons.$ ovr-platform-util.exe upload-add-on --app-id <AppID> --app-secret <App-Secret> --token <User-Token> --file <file> --sku <sku> --min-version-code <min-version>
Syntax | Description |
-a <ID> --app-id <ID> | Required. Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-s <app-secret> --app-secret <app-secret> | Either app secret or user token required. Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-t <token> --token <token> | Either app secret or user token required. A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Meta Quest Developer Dashboard. |
-f <file-path> --file <file-path> | Required. The path to the asset file to upload. |
-p <SKU> --sku <SKU> | Required. The SKU associated with the add-on item. |
-v <version-code> --min-version-code <version-code> | Required. The minimum build number of the app to associate this add-on item with. |
--metadata | Optional. Arbitrary metadata for developer to attach to the asset |
Syntax | Description |
--help | Optional. Show help for the command |
--disable-progress-bar | Optional. A boolean that indicates whether to disable progress bar. |
$ ovr-platform-util upload-add-on --app-id 10001234 --app-secret 1234abcd --file C:\rabbit-hole\dlc\ --sku carrot